Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN)

Urea Ammonium Nitrate is a liquid fertilizer solution. Fluid fertilizers are popular in many areas because they are safe to handle, convenient to mix with other nutrients and chemicals, and are easily applied. A solution of urea (CO(NH2)2) and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) containing between 28%, 30% and 32% nitrogen (N) is the most popular fluid N fertilizer.

Chemical Structure of UAN
Advantages of liquid fertilizer UAN:
- It provides prolonged nutrition of plants with Nitrogen (N), allows you to adjust the nutrition in the key phases of plant growing, increase the missing factors in development, to obtain the necessary characteristics of commercial products (Protein, Gluten, Brewing Barley, etc.).
- Has high application efficiency in all climatic zones, including “Dry”.
- The cost of nitrogen in UAN is lower, since nitrogen costs do not exceed 10% of total nitrogen when UAN is applied, while 30 – 40% when applying granular Nitrogen Fertilizers.
- UAN application as liquid fertilizers is more even than it is possible for solid and granular.
- Reduces technological costs, due to the possibility of combining UAN introduction in a mixture with pesticides and other liquid mineral fertilizers (in the first place, with micro–nutrients).
- It is possible to use for fractional fertilizing of vegetative plants. At the same time, root and foliar top feeding can take place.
- UAN 32 is non–toxic, non–flammable and not-explosive, does not pollute the environment. Due to the lack of free ammonia (NH3) in the UAN, it does not evaporate into the atmosphere.
- Can be transported in any capacity – Plastic, Stainless, and Carbon Steel.

Timing of usage:
- In the Autumn – it is used for basic processing;
- In the Spring – it is used under sowing treatment;
- During the growing season of crops for foliar (Leaf) and root nutrition.